Define Your Desire Workshop

Have you achieved what you set to accomplish in the time you expected?  

If not, what has held you back from doing so?  

Fears, Procrastination, Lack of Clarity and Focus, Overwhelm and just not knowing where to start or how to get there are the most common things people come to me with.  

If you’ve been halted in your ability to keep forging forward, it may be time to truly Define Your Desire.  If you don’t know where you are going, you will never get there.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I really want?
  • Why do I want it?
  • What will I do with it once I have it?
  • What will I sacrifice to get it?

The first question is the most important question.  You must drill down and get more specific with it to be able to answer the questions that follow.  You can download my Free Worksheet in my Resource Center on my website.  

Question 2 is so important because it reveals the truths behind what you want and exposes any illusions around wanting it.  The reasons why you self sabotage come out here when you know how to look at this question with truth and authenticity.

Question 3, when done to it’s fullest intent shows you how to align your values, skills, and goals to reach the accomplishment.

The last question isn’t about what pain you will go through to get there.  It is about your commitment to the goal.  It is the sacred sacrifice…the offering you exchange for the goal. 

It should not be painful, but can stretch you for your benefit and growth.  It often tests your commitment level, so if the reason you want it isn’t meaningful enough, you will self sabotage.

I know, I know…how do you get so much from just a few questions….this is my work.  This is what I guide people through…I help you to define your desire so you can live a fulfilled life that you genuinely enjoy and love without compromising who you are.  

If you would like to explore this in more detail, please download my free worksheet and register for my Define Your Desire workshop where I will walk you through the steps to uncovering the clarity and focus behind what you desire and show you how to obtain it as quickly as possible.

“You can have anything you want provided you know what it is”  

~Norman Vincent Peale

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