Define Your Desire EmPOWER Package

Permanently Erase Self Sabotaging Beliefs

Do you currently feel like:

  • You're lost, alone and maybe not on the right track?  
  • Business is not as successful as you imagined?
  • You're in a never ending loop of self sabotage?  

Maybe you're not sure of what you really want.  Perhaps you're doing what you think you "should" vs. what you are meant to do if you were aligned with your truth, passion and purpose.

Did you know that 87% of what we think and say is negative, greater than 95% of what we do is subconscious and the subconscious is 1000 times more powerful than the conscious…the perfect trap for self sabotaging behavior ... Imagine a life in which you cannot feel any fear whatsoever . There is nothing to stop you from achieving the life you deserve without compromising who you are or what you love. 

Begin your personal transformational journey with this life transforming package designed to pave the way to step into your fearlessly authentic self by eliminating FOREVER the self sabotaging beliefs that are currently derailing you. 

If you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed and not really knowing what you want in life anymore.  You have now found your solution.  If you are not attracting your ideal clients, spending too much time on your business without feeling rewarded, feel overwhelmed and just want to give up, it is time to get clear and focused on magnetize your desires by creating a personalized road map for successful growth while turning your inner critic into a cheerleader. 

Let's do this! Purchase this package and book your first 1:1 session as the Discovery & Clarity session now!  Nicole will work with you to uncover what you really want so you can focus on attracting that instead of what you don't want.  We will also release 1 or more blocks that are holding you back from getting to the next level in your life.

Still not sure if this is right for you?  Book a 15 minute clarity call with me HERE

9 Modules

Start Your Transformational Journey Here: Beliefs Assessment

How exciting!  You are on your way to a MAJOR TRANSFORMATION!

Here is the overview again on how this works...

Throughout your personalized program, we will work together to gain clarity around what it is you really want and what is in alignment with your truth, passion and purpose.  We will delve into the realm of self awareness and uncover your values to align you with the desires that will propel you forward and ready you to identify the goals and roadmap that will get you there as quickly as possible.

Session 1:  Your first session will be a Discovery & Clarity session where we will explore your desires and uncover the beliefs responsible for sabotaging your success.  You'll be amazed at how much just one belief can hijack your life and ripple out in all different areas.

Session 2:  This is big one! In the Erase the Limiting Belief Strategy Strategy Session  we will go through the process for at least one of the limiting beliefs we uncovered in the first session.  The amount that we are able to get through will merely depend on how deeply rooted the beliefs are.  We want to tackle and erase them one at a time to ensure they won't be back.  Once it is gone, it is replaced with a belief that will support you moving forward.  We will discuss what to be aware of after erasing a belief in preparation for the follow up session.

Session 3:  We will reconvene for a Follow up & Review Session to go over what you've observed, implement any additional techniques and discuss any other beliefs that may have made themselves known after the other one has been removed.  This will be a session to review the progress made, shifts occurring and map out next steps for further success.

You will be equipped with the necessary tools for your personalized plan and those may be emailed or links provided based on your individual needs through the program. 

Click on "Start Here" to begin your transformation.

Session 3: Follow Up and Review Session

Congratulations on all the fantastic work you've been doing and continue to do!  

Set up this session between 2-3 weeks from your strategy session.  Set it right away.  You don't need to feel "ready" or "needing" this session to book the appointment.  You will have different experiences than you have in the past and this is following up on those and how amazing you feel.

 It is very different from what you are used to setting appointments for.  

This is more of an appointment for reflection, celebration, and next steps for your journey.

Feeling Stuck?! Here are Your Resources to Help You Through

I am sending you an etheric hug right now to comfort you and let you know you are not alone.  This is a temporary state of being that can be used to gain a lot of awareness of the self. Allow yourself to feel and process through these feelings.  Document/Journal your thoughts, feelings and describe what you are going through in this moment.  We can use this in one of your upcoming sessions to help overcome the beliefs that are behind this and erase them to contribute to your successes.

Look in this toolkit for things that will help you through this process of healing and self awareness for you.

Also, don't forget to reach out and let me know how you are feeling so I can be a guide in your journey.  You are not meant to do this all alone.  

Infinite Blessings,


Modules for this product 9
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 Define Your Desire EmPOWER Package
 $1,500.00 USD

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